This Month’s Features
Practical Considerations for Digital Dentistry
An exploration of clinical capabilities that impact the integration of modern technologies into daily practice.
Early Interventions to Support Pediatric Oral Health
Managing caries risk and monitoring developing dentition are key elements of an effective preventive approach to treating young patients.
Cementing Porcelain Restorations With a Warmed Composite Resin Containing a Rheological Modifier
Placing restorations with this novel technique may help improve marginal fit and adhesion to tooth structure.
Guest Editorial
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Continuing Education
Gingival Cancer Overview for General Practitioners
Early diagnosis and staging of this rare disease is critical, because lesions often mimic other inflammatory periodontal conditions.
Managing Subcutaneous Emphysema Following Dental Procedures
While uncommon, dental providers need to be able to diagnose and treat this potentially fatal complication.
Identifying Carotid Artery Atheromas on Pantomographs
These routine dental radiographs may help clinicians recognize calcified buildups that can signal the need for medical referral.
Strategies for Periodontal Risk Assessment and Prognosis
Early detection and proper management of periodontal disease can help patients maintain their natural dentition.
Editor’s Note
Impact of the Information Tech Economy
An op-ed appearing in The Wall Street Journal, “The Challenge of Our Disruptive Era,” written by Ben Sasse, a Republican senator from Nebraska, suggests the state of the U.S. economy should be taken in a historical context.
At a Glance
Group Practice May Improve Access to Care
Although dental service organizations (DSOs) represent less than 10% of U.S. practices, this category is growing rapidly.
Products and Services
Product Profile: Crest Pro-Health from Procter & Gamble
Stannous Fluoride Dentifrice Offers Optimal Protection.
Product Profile: Crest Pro-Health from Procter & Gamble
Stannous Fluoride Dentifrice Offers Optimal Protection.
Product Profile: V-Posil impression system from VOCO
Time-Optimized Impression Material Delivers Precise Clinical Detail.
KOL Forum: Anutra Local Anesthetic Delivery System from Anutra Medical
Buffered Anesthetic Offers Rapid, Predictable and Profound Pain Management.
Newsline + Industry Info
Report Outlines Strategy to Reduce Opioid Epidemic
Health professionals, health-related organizations and government agencies all have a role to play in solving the opioid epidemic that affects millions of Americans.
Straumann and Rapid Shape Expand Strategic Partnership
Straumann continues to build on a partnership that was formed earlier this year with its purchase of a 35% noncontrolling stake in Rapid Shape, a three-dimensional (3D) technology firm.
Academy for Academic Leadership and Colgate Launch Faculty Training Program
Developed in a partnership between the Academy for Academic Leadership and Colgate-Palmolive, a faculty training program entitled “Foundations of Conducting Clinical Research” is tailored to educators interested in beginning a career in research.
Penn Dental Expands Community Outreach
Delta Dental of Pennsylvania and its affiliates have awarded a $650,000 grant to expand Penn Dental Medicine’s community outreach efforts.