This Month’s Features
Understanding Orthognathic Surgery
An exploration of the use of orthodontics-only treatment versus a combination approach utilizing orthodontics and orthognathic surgery.
Developments in Post-Procedure Pain Management
While ibuprofen and/or acetaminophen should be a dentist’s first choice in post-procedure analgesics, novel approaches to pain management may have applications in dentistry.
Guest Editorial
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Continuing Education
Update on Alternative Payment Models in Oral Healthcare
This new analysis paints a fresh perspective on traditional versus emerging reimbursement models for dental services.
Clinical Considerations for Relining a Complete Denture
Choosing the most appropriate denture liner requires a knowledge of available materials, as well as their indications and limitations.
Systemic and Oral Health Manifestations of Kidney Disease
Dental professionals should be aware of the oral health ramifications of this progressive disorder.
Airflow Engineering Controls for the Dental Setting
A multidimensional approach is key to creating a safe practice environment.
Editor’s Note
Alternatives for Managing COVID-19
On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 as a public health emergency.
At a Glance
Guidelines For Updating Your Magnification
While many oral health professionals have embraced magnification and illumination as tools to enhance visual acuity in clinical practice, some may find the loupes that once served them well no longer provide peak performance.
Products and Services
Post-Pandemic Opportunity for Offices Preparing for a Fresh Start
Genoray is promoting its best-selling Papaya panoramic device with its new Theia software and a Microsoft Surface Pro 8 package for reopening dental offices.
Training Center Covers All Aspects of Implantology
The Simply Implants Institute provides hand-on training in all facets of dental implant planning, placement and restoration.
A listing of featured products.
Newsline + Industry Info
New Bioresorbable Device Blocks Pain Signals
While opioids are highly effective for pain management, their use is associated with high rates of addiction and overdose deaths.
CDC No Longer Advises Universal Masking in Healthcare Facilities
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released updated guidance that no longer recommends universal masking in healthcare settings unless the facility is in an area experiencing high COVID-19 transmission rates.
Evidence-Based Clinical Content
As a peer-reviewed journal, Decisions in Dentistry has always strived to bring you trusted, unbiased and evidence-based clinical content. While we remain steadfast in our mission, we have added a new element to remind readers of our goal to present objective articles and continuing education designed to help dental professionals improve their level of care. [...]
The Art of Dental Finance and Management
Podcast Hosted by Art Wiederman, CPA.