James Kohner, DDS, is a Denver-based periodontist. A national and international lecturer with more than 35 years of clinical experience, he teaches hands-on surgical training workshops on crown lengthening, soft tissue grafting, and periodontal surgery for the Perio Institute (Perio.com), dental school continuing education programs, and at association meetings in the United States and Canada. He can be reached at JamesKohnerDDS@gmail.com.
Incorporate a palatal stent technique using thin plastic vacuform material and collagen to enhance patient comfort, control bleeding, and ensure predictable outcomes in gingival grafting procedures.
Explore the nuances of gingival and connective tissue grafts in periodontal procedures and learn how patient comfort and healing can be significantly improved with the right approach.
The use of palatal stents and collagen dressing can significantly improve patient comfort, accelerate healing, and reduce complications in gingival graft procedures.
Inadvertently placing crown margins too close to the bone and impinging on the soft tissues of the biologic width can cause complications, but clinicians can avoid such sequelae with crown lengthening.