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OSAP Announces Support of Dental Infection Control Awareness Month in September 


(August 23, 2017) Atlanta, GA: The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) is continuing its efforts to support Dental Infection Control Awareness Month (DICAM) through OSAP’s The Safest Dental Visit™ program. Designed to promote an increased commitment to infection control and safety, DICAM, a month-long awareness campaign during September was developed to increase focus on dental infection control and safety and help clinicians and infection control coordinators discuss this important topic with patients. A wide variety of support materials are available on the OSAP website at osap.org/page/DICAM.

“Dental teams, clinicians and the infection control coordinator are faced with the challenge and opportunity of addressing new and emerging threats while staying up-to-date on complex policies and guidelines,” says Christina Thomas, executive director of OSAP. “We are thrilled to participate, support and promote DICAM through The Safest Dental Visit™ program. We believe bringing attention to this month will help dental practices educate and train staff, promote a culture of safety and help open a positive dialogue between the patient and dental practice.”

To support participation in Dental Infection Control Awareness Month, OSAP has developed downloadable resources available on the OSAP DICAM portal, including talking points, social media examples, a poster and patient brochure. Dental practitioners, including infection control coordinators, the dental trade, educators, consultants and other interested parties are encouraged to check the website frequently and join OSAP to be kept up-to-date on new resources and educational opportunities as they are made available.

For additional tools, resources and information on Dental Infection Control Awareness Month please visit osap.org.

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