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True Regeneration: The New Gold Standard For Treatment Of Periodontal Disease

PerioLase MVP-7 for LANAP protocol from Millennium Dental

0616-kol-2Let’s stop kidding ourselves, conventional osseous surgery is obsolete and the paradigms have changed. I checked my old textbook — the 1980 sixth edition of Periodontal Therapy by Goldman and Cohen — and push-back, subtractive, apically repositioned flap surgery with heavy interdental osteomy and buccal and lingual ostetomies are rarely performed by periodontal specialists today. Why? Because, according to Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology, “it was an assumption that this will facilitate hygiene and long-term maintenance.”1 The issue is largely interproximal bone loss — but bone isn’t lost due to tissue adaptation.

It is estimated that 85% of U.S. adults have some level of periodontal disease2,3 — yet only 3% of individuals diagnosed with moderate-to-severe levels receive treatment.4 As a general dentist, these numbers were astonishing to me. I knew there must be an option that patients would accept and not fear. Over the next 20 years, this commitment to patient care perfectly aligned with the evolution toward conservative surgery in treating chronic periodontitis. The result was a new gold standard for periodontitis treatment — the LANAP protocol.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) clearance of true periodontal regeneration — new cementum, new periodontal ligament and new bone — means that every dentist has the ability to take control of the most rampant disease in his or her practice and generate new bone in a “no cut, no sew, no fear” treatment for dentist and patient alike. No fundamental shift in thinking is without controversy, nor is it without its imitators. Thousands of LANAP clinicians have seen the same consistently amazing results in their patients because the LANAP protocol is built upon the best practices of perio: minimal flaps, occlusal adjustment, and the treatment of the disease. Every PerioLase Periodontal Package includes the industry’s best training — five days of hands-on instruction treating three live patients.

Your patients have options — including a proven, tissue-sparing treatment with the world’s first and only clearance for periodontal regeneration. No longer do patients have to settle for resective osseous surgery with loss of bone and soft tissue, exposed and sensitive roots, and unsightly and unesthetic smiles.

General dentists have an opportunity, indeed, an obligation, to diagnose and treat periodontal disease, and to help patients understand their options. In so doing, clinicians can increase their success and professional satisfaction. Talk to one of the more than 2000 LANAP dentists about true experiences and the difference the LANAP protocol can make.


  1. Newman MG, Takei HH, Klokkevold PR, Carranza FA. Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology. 10th ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders; 2006.
  2. Oral Health in America: A Report of the Surgeon General (Executive Summary). Available at: http://www.nidcr.nih.gov/ DataStatistics/ Surgeon General/ Report/ Executive Summary.htm. Accessed May 10, 2016.
  3. Eke PI, Thornton-Evans GO, Wei L, Borgnakke WS, Dye BA. Accuracy of NHANES periodontal examination protocols. J Dent Res. 2010;89:1208–1213.
  4. American Academy of Periodontology. Dispelling Myths About Gum Disease: The Truth Behind Healthy Teeth and Gums. Available at: https://www.perio.org/consumer/gum-disease-myths. Accessed May 17, 2016.
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