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Canada Implements Dental Benefit to Help Citizens Deal With Rising Inflation


The Canadian government announced it will provide tax-free funds to families earning $90,000 or less to help them pay for dental care for minor dependents under the age of 12. The 2-year program will begin October 1, 2022. The dental benefit is part of a larger relief plan that includes housing assistance and tax credits designed to help Canadians manage rising costs due to inflation. While supportive of the dental benefit, Canadian Dental Hygienists’ Association (CDHA) President, Wendy Stewart, BSC, DDH, commented that the program needs to define what providers are eligible to receive payment for the covered dental treatment. “It’s important that the ultimate impact improves access to preventive dental hygiene services and professional oral care to help maintain good oral and overall health,” Stewart stated. “While the government continues to work out the eventual permanent details of the program, CDHA remains committed to working in partnership with government and experts to ensure access to a range of oral health services and supports.” Click here to read more.

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