This Month’s Features
Competence in Endodontic Treatment Planning And Prognosis
Following an accurate diagnosis, careful treatment planning will enhance the delivery of appropriate endodontic care and lead to optimal outcomes.
Evaluating Dental Asepsis Programs
Ongoing assessment of office protocols will reinforce optimal infection control practices and help identify areas that need improvement.
Rescuing Failed Inferior Alveolar Nerve Blocks
The use of periodontal ligament injections can help overcome failed blocks and/or accessory innervation.
Review of Anterior Restorations for Primary Teeth
An overview of indications and options for restoring deciduous dentition in the esthetic zone.
Guest Editorial
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Continuing Education
Treating Patients With Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke
The oral health consequences of these common conditions warrant special care strategies.
Dental Screening for Human Immunodeficiency Virus
The goal of HIV testing in the dental setting is to link infected individuals with the proper medical care.
Decision Making in Managing Excess Gingival Display
Clinicians can choose various treatments for managing gummy smile, and etiology will help determine which approach is best indicated.
Emergency Airway Management During Moderate Sedation
An exploration of proposed alternative protocols for handling compromised airways during pediatric moderate sedation without an established IV line.
Editor’s Note
Veggies, Gut Bacteria And The Oral Microbiome
At present, there is a fairly broad agreement that chronic (as opposed to acute) inflammation is bad for your health.
At a Glance
Responding to Pediatric Dental Trauma
From falls learning to walk to sports injuries and accidents, kids are at risk of injuring their teeth and gingiva.
Products and Services
KOL Forum: Grandio Blocs From VOCO
Nanoceramic Hybrid Block Offers Clinical Versatility and Excellent Performance.
KOL Forum: Anutra local anesthetic delivery system from Anutra Medical
Buffering Offers Profound, Rapid and Predictable Pain Management.
Newsline + Industry Info
CDC Maps Every State’s Fight Against AR
Antibiotic resistance (AR) investments are working, but there’s more work to be done to combat AR, according to a recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report.