V-Posil VPS Impression System From VOCO
Time-optimized impression system offers regular and fast sets in one material.
V-Posil has been a growing product line since its introduction. What attracts dentists to this relatively new impression material? And are there any new innovations within the V-Posil line?
The biggest feedback we’ve received is clinicians’ appreciation for V-Posil’s adjustable working time, fast set time and thermo-activated snap set. These all directly contribute to V-Posil’s most important attribute: its ability to deliver consistently accurate impressions. Combined with V-Posil’s excellent hydrophilicity, high tear strength and dimensional accuracy, this material far exceeds typical vinyl polysiloxane (VPS) expectations.
There have been a few additions since V-Posil’s initial launch to meet demand for more options and greater ease-of-use. These include a Mono Fast viscosity in a 50 ml and 380 ml dispenser, and a Putty Fast in a 380 ml cartridge (in addition to the original Putty Fast in a jar). For high-volume use, practices can also choose VOCO’s dynamic dispenser that ensures V-Posil components are mixed and dispensed consistently, without bubbles and with a homogenous and reliable consistency.
How does V-Posil’s adjustable 2-minute working time and 2-minute thermo-activated set time benefit providers and patients?
With an adjustable working time of up to two minutes, V-Posil offers more control over the pace of the procedure. The abbreviated 2-minute thermo-activated set time reduces how long the impression remains in the oral cavity, increasing patient comfort. Furthermore, it reduces the need for retakes, as its snap set minimizes the time in which movement can distort the impression — also known as the critical zone. V-Posil’s critical zone is up to three times shorter than other popular materials. Effectively, V-Posil combines the working time of a regular set with the short setting times of a fast set in one material, which minimizes the overall inventory an office needs to stock. These features make V-Posil ideal for procedures that require a fast set, such as single units, or a regular set, such as in the case of multiple-unit veneers.
It is widely known that a low contact angle is crucial for VPS impression accuracy. Where does V-Posil stand in terms of contact angle? Do any additional features ensure accurate impressions?
V-Posil’s exceptional hydrophilicity and resulting low contact angle (< 10°) allow it to better to displace fluids and thus more consistently represent a precise negative of the tooth structure. This renders extremely accurate representations of the dentition in terms of spaces, undercuts and margins. While many VPS impression materials have post-set contact angles of 10° or more, V-Posil’s is less than 6°. Combined with V-Posil’s preset hydrophilicity, extreme toughness and excellent elastic recovery, this ensures a dimensionally superior reproduction of the dentition that facilitates fabrication of consistently accurate and easy-to-fit restorations.

From Decisions in Dentistry. September 2019;5(8):51.