Study Investigates Patient Knowledge Regarding Oral-Systemic Link
A recent study published in Cureus investigated the knowledge level of dental patients in Saudi Arabia regarding the association between periodontal diseases and systemic health. The researchers used a questionnaire consisting of 18 questions to assess patients’ awareness levels, along with collecting demographic information on gender, age, and educational level. A total of 252 patients participated. The findings revealed that women exhibited a higher awareness of the link between pregnancy and anemia, as well as the association between periodontal diseases and systemic health issues. Additionally, younger age groups demonstrated greater knowledge of the connection between periodontal diseases and hyperparathyroidism. Surprisingly, there was little difference in understanding based on educational qualifications, with high school and college graduates displaying similar levels of knowledge. The study highlights the need for improved education among the general public concerning the relationship between periodontal and systemic diseases. Click here to read more.