Dimensions of Dental Hygiene to Host the 2023 Esther Wilkins Lifetime Achievement Award Reception
Named after the late inspirational dental hygiene leader and inaugural recipient Esther M. Wilkins, BS, RDH, DMD, the Esther Wilkins Lifetime Achievement Award is presented annually to recognize the distinguished career of a worthy individual who has consistently and effectively contributed to the enrichment of the dental hygiene profession. This year, the reception will be held during the centennial anniversary celebration of the American Dental Hygienists’ Association on July 7 in Chicago at the Hyatt Regency McCormick Place. The award process is underway with members of Dimensions of Dental Hygiene’s Editorial Advisory Board and Peer Review Panel serving as the nominating bodies.
Previous recipients are: Esther M. Wilkins, BS, RDH, DMD, in 2010; Maxine Alper Tishk, RDH, MS, in 2011; Gail N. Cross-Poline, RDH, MS, in 2012; Michele Leonardi Darby, BSDH, MS, and Margaret Walsh, RDH, MS, MA, EdD, in 2013; Juanita S. Wallace, RDH, PhD, in 2014; JoAnn R. Gurenlian, RDH, MS, PhD, AFAAOM, in 2015; Pamela R. Overman, RDH, MS, EdD, in 2016; Olga A.C. Ibsen, RDH, MS, FAADH, in 2017; Deborah Bailey Astroth, RDH, BSDH, in 2018; Jacquelyn L. Fried, RDH, BA, MS, in 2019; Jane L. Forrest, BSDH, MS, EdD, in 2020/2021; and Winnie Furnari, MS, RDH, FAADH, FAAFS, FADE, 2022. Click here to read more.