A peer-reviewed journal that offers evidence-based clinical information and continuing education for dentists.

Council Seeks to Define the Future of AI in Dentistry


Leaders from across the dental industry have announced the formation of the Dental AI Council (DAIC), an organization devoted to helping define the future of artificial intelligence (AI) in dentistry. The 15 founding members represent all major industry stakeholders, including practitioners, dental service organizations, equipment manufacturers, software providers, insurance carriers, laboratories, and universities—including the University of California, Los Angeles School of Dentistry and University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. As AI begins to yield increased efficiency, accuracy, and consistency in a variety of dental applications, DAIC will seek to foster greater understanding of the technology.

The organization’s primary function is to lead independent research into the ways in which AI will prove most valuable to dentistry, validate its functional capabilities and performance, and answer fundamental questions related to AI’s role in oral healthcare.

“At present, the excitement about AI’s enormous potential in dentistry is attenuated by misconceptions and even fear,” notes one of the group’s lead organizers, Ophir Tanz, CEO of the dental AI company Pearl. “To chart a path forward, the dental community needs to understand the science surrounding AI.”

The first DAIC study is scheduled to be released later this year. For more information or to sign up for the DAIC newsletter, please visit: www.dentalaicouncil.org.

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