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ADA Provides Guidance on Fitting of N95 Masks


Oral health professionals located in areas with “moderate to substantial community transmission” of the novel coronavirus should wear N95 masks or respirators when performing procedures that increase the risk of transmission, such as those that generate aerosols, according to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Guidance for Dental Settings. However, without a proper fit, N95s won’t provide their maximum level of protection. As such, the American Dental Association (ADA) has released guidance on the topic.

According to the ADA’s Conducting Respirator Fit Tests and Seal Checks, the seal between the N95 mask or respirator and the operator’s face should be tested when such a mask is first utilized and then annually moving forward. The fit test is conducted to ensure the provider is protected from any contaminated air that may leak through an improperly fitted mask. The test takes about 15 to 20 minutes.

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