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Immunizations Prevent Disease Transmission in Dental Settings

An article published in Dental Clinics of North America reminds clinicians to stay up to date on immunizations to protect against vaccine-preventable diseases that pose a high risk in the dental setting.


An article published in Dental Clinics of North America reminds clinicians to stay up to date on immunizations to protect against vaccine-preventable diseases that pose a high risk in the dental setting. Authored by Leslie R. Halpern, DDS, MD, PhD, MPH, of Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee, the paper, “Immunizations: An Evolving Paradigm for Oral Health Care Providers,” provides information about the latest assessment of vaccine-preventable diseases.

“Oral health professionals are at risk for the transmission of bacterial and viral microorganisms,” Halpern notes, adding, “Providers need to be knowledgeable about the exposure/transmission of life-threatening infections and options for prevention.” The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that health care professionals be vaccinated for hepatitis B, influenza, measles/mumps/rubella, varicella, tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis and meningococcal.

From Decisions in Dentistry. July 2017;3(7):12.

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