Benefits of Virtual Reality in Addressing Dental Anxiety Among Kids May Not Be Real
A recent study of Saudi Arabian children investigated the effectiveness of virtual reality (VR) in alleviating pain and anxiety during dental procedures. Contrary to common belief, the results challenged the notion that VR significantly reduces anxiety in this context. Researchers screened 200 children, finding 20 ages 4 to 6 who met the study criteria. They were divided into a control group and an experimental group, with the latter undergoing dental procedures while using VR glasses. Surprisingly, statistical analysis revealed no significant differences in anxiety levels before and after the use of VR glasses. This unexpected outcome suggests limited effectiveness of VR in reducing anxiety during dental procedures for children. The study, which was published in Cureus, has prompted a reevaluation of the presumed effectiveness of VR devices in managing dental anxiety in pediatric patients. However, the study doesn’t negate the potential of digital tools such as VR in healthcare, as other research has demonstrated VR’s analgesic effects on pain perception in healthy adults. The findings underscore the need for further research to comprehend the factors influencing VR effectiveness in healthcare settings. Click here to read more.