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Massachusetts Dental Hygienists Lobby for Dental Therapy, Expanded Functions


Members of the Massachusetts Dental Hygienists’ Association are rallying their lawmakers in support of four bills impacting the provision of oral healthcare in the state. The group stands behind the following pieces of legislation:

  1. HD111/SD747, the Act to Improve Oral Health for All Massachusetts Residents, which would enable the licensure of dental therapists in the state
  2. HD3952/SD2062, which would grant dental hygienists the ability to administer botox and dermal fillers once specific training is completed
  3. HD1127/SD653, which enables public health dental hygienists to bill private insurance companies directly for payment of their services
  4. HD1814/SD1594, which would provide properly trained dental hygienists with the ability to administer nitrous oxide under the supervision of a dentist

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