NIDCR Call for Comments on: Accelerating the Development of Oral Biodevices by Advancing Technologies
In response to exciting ideas submitted to NIDCR 2030, the Institute is identifying topical themes for development into symposia and workshops, research initiatives and communications of our ongoing research. Based on public feedback we received in the oral biodevices goal area, NIDCR has developed a proposed research initiative on Accelerating the Development of Oral Biodevices by Advancing Technologies. This is the first installment in a series of proposed research initiatives resulting from NIDCR 2030. Initiatives in other topic areas will be posted for public comment once they are developed.
NIDCR invites you to submit and respond to existing comments on this proposed research initiative using IdeaScale. If you are already registered, you may log in using your current IdeaScale ID and password (the same used for NIDCR 2030). Please submit comments on this initiative only. The deadline for comments is Thursday, March 1, 2018.
Feel free to share this call for comments with others. NIDCR welcomes input from its scientific advisory boards, the extramural community, interested organizations, and the public at large. Submitted comments will be reviewed by NIDCR staff for consideration in further developing this proposed research initiative and related funding opportunities. No financial rewards will be given or winning selections made for submitted comments. Please direct any questions about this proposed research initiative to