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Fluoride Varnish Applications Increase When Offered in Pediatricians’ Offices


According to research presented at the American Association of Nurse Practitioners National Conference, additional numbers of children are likely to receive fluoride varnish if it were offered in pediatricians’ offices. The study, presented by Diana L. Lamboy, DNP, FNP-C, from Frontier Nursing University in Hyden, Kentucky, consisted of multiple phases. As reported in Infectious Diseases in Children, the first phase included no education for parents or children other than brochures provided during pediatric visits; additionally only children who were receiving checkups at 18, 24 and 36 months were included. As the study progressed, educational efforts expanded to include instruction on proper toothbrushing technique and oral care basics.

Lamboy reports the number of children who received fluoride varnish during a pediatric visit at their 18-, 24- or 36-month checkup increased significantly after the intervention was introduced. Prior to the intervention, only 20.8% of study subjects had received fluoride varnish at the pediatric visit. During the first post-intervention assessment, the number increased to 44.1%, while 31.6% received fluoride varnish during their second post-intervention assessment.

These findings support the idea that providing oral hygiene education and applying fluoride varnish at pediatric offices may improve children’s oral health, while also expanding awareness of the importance of an effective self-care regimen.

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