Henry Schein Orthodontics Launches Studio Pro 4.0 Treatment Planning Software for Reveal Clear Aligners
Henry Schein Orthodontics announces the launch of Studio Pro 4.0, a new web-based treatment planning software for Reveal clear aligners. Linked to the DDX Case Management Portal — a remote server where images are submitted and cases can be managed — Studio Pro 4.0 offers Reveal providers virtual setup tools to visualize, customize, and communicate treatment plans for clear aligner therapy. With more than 25 new features, the software allows practitioners of all skill levels to easily navigate an intuitive interface that was designed with clinicians in mind, based on extensive market research and feedback.
“At Henry Schein Orthodontics, we are committed to delivering new, innovative technologies that simplify clear aligner workflows for our customers and enhance the patient experience,” says Phil Prentice, president of Henry Schein’s Orthodontics Group. “Featuring direct integrations with many leading intraoral scanners, as well as direct connections with practice management software, Reveal is the clear choice to help practitioners meet their patients’ clear aligner needs.”
With the additional functionality of the Studio Pro 4.0 platform, Reveal providers can personalize treatment planning with greater ease and control when reviewing and approving aligner cases. Reveal providers will also continue to receive full in-office support from Henry Schein Orthodontics, helping to ensure customers take full advantage of benefits provided by a clear aligner workflow.
“Studio Pro 4.0 is a huge leap forward in helping improve practitioners’ ability to design treatment,” notes Dr. Dave Paquette, owner of Paquette Orthodontics. “As a Reveal user, I am excited that the new treatment planning software from Henry Schein Orthodontics enables me to have increased control over the setup of treatment. In addition to meeting my expectations as a user, the graphic interface and easy-to-use software make it much easier for my patients to understand where they are in treatment, and how things are moving along.”
For more information about Studio Pro 4.0 from Henry Schein Orthodontics, and to schedule a demo, call 800-344-3397 or visit www.revealclearaligners.com/studiopro. To learn more about Henry Schein Orthodontics, go to www.henryscheinortho.com.