Hands-Free HVE From DentalEZ
DentalEZ® has announced the release of an easy-to-use extraoral High Volume Evacuator (HVE) holder that can fit just about any dental chair quickly and easily.
DentalEZ® has announced the release of an easy-to-use extraoral High Volume Evacuator (HVE) holder that can fit just about any dental chair quickly and easily.
The mitigation of airborne particles is an ongoing priority for dental practices and requires multiple strategies for various types and sizes of microscopic droplets. The need for safety has escalated exponentially with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. In response, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides guidance for further minimizing droplet spatter and aerosols that enhances its existing recommendations for layering of protective protocols, including four-handed dentistry and high volume evacuation suction. DentalEZ has created a solution that provides those extra hands, hands-free.
Introducing Hands-Free HVE by DentalEZ. Hands-Free HVE offers an extra layer of at-the-source HVE suction during aerosol-generating procedures, allowing the user to position the HVE with ease and precision, with or without supplemental staff. The HVE design is compatible with most patient chairs on the market today and comes with a simple plug-and-play kit including everything needed to assemble and use. The HVE is also easy to clean, designed with consideration for increased safety protocol, and using common dental practice disinfectants.
Hands-free and designed to be flexible, now supplemental extraoral HVE suction is at the ready, even without additional staff on hand.
Visit dentalez.com for more information.