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PDT Announces Release of New First Line™ Kits

PDT is excited to announce the release of its new First Line™ Kits, instrument recommendations to supplement your current hygiene set-ups any time there is contraindication to using power scalers and aerosols.


Paradise Dental Technologies (PDT) recognizes that most clinicians use a power scaler for heavy debridement and have fine hand scalers, curettes, explorer, probe, and mirror to round out their kit. But what do you do when there are contraindications to power scaling such as infectious or communicable diseases, non-shielded pacemakers, implanted defibrillators, or problems swallowing or gagging? When you must rely only on hand scaling it is important to make sure you are fully prepared for each patient. Your fine scalers and curettes aren’t necessarily designed for the heavy debridement necessary in some cases and often they have been reduced from their original size from sharpening. When power scaling isn’t an option, look to PDT’s recommended First Line instruments as your first line for facing heavy debridement.

Featuring rigid variations of popular instruments like the Montana Jack, Barnhart 1-2, and Amazing Graceys as well as versatile must-haves like the Queen of Hearts, PDT has developed two different kits. The First Line Kit – Area Specific features graceys alongside posterior and anterior scalers and the First Line Kit – Universal includes universal curettes instead of graceys. Both kits come in a T007B-D FlipTop™ Cassette which features a lift out rack and can hold 14 instruments total, leaving room to add your mirror, probe, explorer, sharpening stone, and more. You can also choose from the 13 recommended First Line instruments to create your own kit that best suits your needs.

To learn more about the First Line Kits from PDT visit pdtdental.com/firstline/ or call 800-240-9895.

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