A peer-reviewed journal that offers evidence-based clinical information and continuing education for dentists.

Author Portal



Here you’ll find all of the resources you need to share your articles across multiple social media platforms. Our ultimate goal is to get your articles in front of dental professionals so that we can advance the practice of oral health care. 

The Power of Social Media

We live in an age where websites, apps, and other digital technologies provide an avenue to communicate with millions of people—from right next door to across the globe. The power of social media and digital platforms can create effective ways to educate, inform, and persuade. These tools can also be used to advance the profession of dentistry.

Dental professionals are hungry for the latest information on best practices and news about the profession. You can reach thousands of dental professionals with just a single post. As sharing posts is incredibly easy, your expertise can reach a larger and larger audience through a simple click. This not only benefits clinicians who are learning about advancements in the field, but posting your work on social media can also increase your name recognition—creating more opportunities for speaking, writing, and lecturing.


As a Decisions in Dentistry author, you have your very own landing page that includes your headshot, bio, and all of the articles you have contributed to the journal. Access your unique URL by opening the welcome email we sent you, searching this page, or clicking on your name in the bio section of an article you have written that is posted on our website.

Let’s Help Clinicians Be the Best They Can Be!

Your Graphics Tool Kit

Below are some graphics we have created that you are free to use. Remember to include a link to your article when sharing these on social media.


Social Media Tagging


Hashtagging gives your posts more exposure. When you hashtag a post, it is grouped with other posts that have been hashtagged with the same words. By using hashtags, your post is categorized with similar content, making it simple for users to find the information they are seeking. Keep your hashtags concise and focus on using tags that are popular or trending.


Tagging Decisions in Dentistry in the description of your posts is very important on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. When you tag Decisions, it helps people understand that your article was published in Decisions in Dentistry and is featured on our website.

Tagging and Using Hashtags Will Help Your Article Gain Exposure

Your Reference Center

Below are the links you need to start tagging Decisions in your posts.

Be sure to also include popular and trending hashtags.

#dentalprofessional #oralhealth









Facebook Examples

Simple Share

The first example shows a simple share. Each article on our website has a social media share button at the bottom of the page. Click that button to simply share the article directly from our website. You can edit the description so that you can include a brief note, tags, and hashtags, and it will automatically pull an image from the page that then links to your article when clicked.

Graphics Post

The second example shows a graphics post. Using one of the graphics we have provided above, simply download and save the image to your desktop. Next, grab the URL from the article you want to share, go to your Facebook page, and upload the graphics photo. Type in a message, add your tags, and copy/paste the URL so users know where to go to read your article.

Twitter Examples

Simple Share

The first example shows a simple share. Each article on our website has a social media share button at the bottom of the page. Click that button to simply share the article directly from our website. You can edit the description so that you can include a brief note, tags, and hashtags. Just remember that your tweet must be 280 characters or less.

Graphics Post

The second example shows a graphics post. Using one of the graphics provided above, simply download and save the image to your desktop. Next, grab the URL from the article you want to share,  go to your Twitter page, and upload the graphics photo. Type a short message, add your tags, and copy/paste the URL so users know where to go to read your article.

Thank You

I want to personally thank you for helping us spread your valuable articles and important information to the dental profession. Your efforts are appreciated from all of us at Decisions in Dentistry.

Lorene G. Kent, RDH, BA

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